Data protection disclaimer
The protection of personal data of our customers and partners is an important element in our daily work. We would therefore like to inform you about our data protection rules that are based on the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation of 25 May 2018 and other provisions regarding data protection.
Data protection is also an important factor in our company. Our staff members were requested to explicitly commit to secrecy and confidentiality as well as to compliance with the data protection provisions.
Personal data
Personal data are, according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation of 25 May 2018, details about the personal and factual situation of a specific or identifiable individual. Such details include elements like the name, address, e-mail address and phone number of this person.
Company / business data
These are levied by the SuperDrecksKëscht® within the framework of their international treaties. This concerns in particular data in connection with the ECOBOX.In particular, this concerns data in the context of the ECOBOX.
To fulfil our missions and provide services, the SuperDrecksKëscht® needs to collect and store personal but also company / business data. The SuperDrecksKëscht® commits to use the data of all its customers and business partners to the extent necessary to fulfil our missions and provide services. This also applies to sending out documentation, compiling offers and answering individual questions.
Communication to third parties
In principle, data are not transferred to third parties unless this is necessary to fulfil our missions and provide our services. Administrations or other governmental institutions only receive information within the frame of our legal obligations or based on judicial orders.
Upon request of the competent authorities, we are authorized in individual cases to communicate such data, to the extent necessary, for the sake of preventing dangers.
Cookies management
This site may use cookies, these are small text files used to analyse information related to the user’s navigation (frequency of visits, duration of visits, visited pages, language preferences, etc …). They are stored by this site in a directory on the computer of the user. They contain the name of the server that wrote it, an identifier as a single number and an expiration date. The unique identifier allows this website to recognise the user’s computer at each visit. The user can decide if the web server of this site is allowed or not to store cookies on his computer. He can change the browser options at all times in order not to accept and store cookies. Moreover, the user can remove all the stored cookies. The use of certain features of this site may be limited or disabled if the user does not accept cookies from the website. It is therefore recommended that the user sets his browser so that cookies of this site are accepted.
Safety measures
To protect your personal data from unauthorized access and abuse, we have taken extensive technical and organisational safety measures. Our safety procedures for the protection from damage, destruction or unauthorized access are regularly reviewed and adapted to the most recent technology.
Information and withdrawal
You may at any time and without providing any reason receive information about your personal data stored with our company. You may at any time block, change or request the deletion of such data and oppose to the collection and storage of such data. You may also withdraw at any time your approval for the collection and use of such data without providing any reason for this.
Please contact the following address: We are at your disposal at any time to answer further questions regarding the protection and the processing of your personal data.
Datenschutzerklärung für Google Analytics
Unsere Website verwendet Google Analytics, einen Webanalysedienst von Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Zur Deaktivierung von Google Analytiscs stellt Google unter ein Browser-Plug-In zur Verfügung. Google Analytics verwendet Cookies. Das sind kleine Textdateien, die es möglich machen, auf dem Endgerät des Nutzers spezifische, auf den Nutzer bezogene Informationen zu speichern. Diese ermöglichen eine Analyse der Nutzung unseres Websiteangebotes durch Google. Die durch den Cookie erfassten Informationen über die Nutzung unserer Seiten (einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse) werden in der Regel an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gespeichert. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass auf dieser Website Google Analytics um den Code „gat._anonymizeIp();“ erweitert wurde, um eine anonymisierte Erfassung von IP-Adressen (sog. IP-Masking) zu gewährleisten. Ist die Anonymisierung aktiv, kürzt Google IP-Adressen innerhalb von Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union oder in anderen Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum, weswegen keine Rückschlüsse auf Ihre Identität möglich sind. Nur in Ausnahmefällen wird die volle IP-Adresse an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gekürzt. Google beachtet die Datenschutzbestimmungen des „Privacy Shield“-Abkommens und ist beim „Privacy Shield“-Programm des US-Handelsministeriums registriert und nutzt die gesammelten Informationen, um die Nutzung unserer Websites auszuwerten, Berichte für uns diesbezüglich zu verfassen und andere diesbezügliche Dienstleistungen an uns zu erbringen. Mehr erfahren Sie unter
Quelle: Muster-Datenschutzerklärung von
At the term of our collaboration, your data will be deleted unless the use of such data beyond the term of our relationship was explicitly agreed to.
Questions and availability
If you have any other questions or suggestions on data protection, please use our contact form in the section “Contact”.